Students of Brook Hill International Secondary School had the opportunity to visit Sremski Karlovci, where special activities were organized for them. The students were divided into teams, where each team was given a map of the city and a list of tasks to complete.
Students were tasked with visiting various control points all over the city, the winner was the team that reached the final destination first. The checkpoints were the biggest landmarks in Sremski Karlovci, such as the Karlovac High School, the Patriarch’s Palace, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the Four Lions Fountain, and others. In addition to fun, the goal of this game was for students to learn about the history and sights of this city.
After a well-earned lunch break, the trip to Stražilovo followed. Students had the opportunity to walk through the forest and hang out with their friends.
Such trips are very useful for students, in addition to the new information they learn, they are an opportunity to socialize with friends from school.