It is important that we all work together to help prevent the spread of the virus and stay safe in school
Physical distancing
Maintain a safe distance (classrooms, cafeteria, hallways, anywhere on school grounds)
Use a queuing system for lunch and listen to the teacher on duty
Avoid touching
What should I do if I feel unwell?
Stay home if you have any symptoms of
Shortness of breath
Loss of taste and/or smell
Sore throat
Runny nose
Muscle ache
Gastrointestinal symptoms
You can join the online lesson instead!
If you start to feel unwell at school, report to your teacher / the office immediately
School staff will check your temperature daily before you enter the building and if you have a high temperature, your parents will be called to collect you
Practicing good hygiene
Wash hands often and at key moments (as you enter the building, before and after lunch, after sports etc.) – there is guidance on how to wash your hands in every bathroom
Use hand sanitizer – every floor has a bottle and every office
Avoid touching your face
Avoid contact with people who are sick
Stay home when you are sick
Cover coughs and sneezes – catch it, bin it, kill it
Safety in the classroom
Your teacher will use the disinfectant spray in each class to sanitize your desk at regular intervals
Do not move the position of tables or chairs. Sit where your teacher tells you to
Do not switch on the A.C.
Where possible, make sure windows are open
Avoid moving around when you don’t have to (don’t get up to sharpen your pencil)
Personal protective equipment
Face masks are mandatory – please bring from home
Put your mask on before you enter the school grounds
Wear face mask outdoors when not possible to maintain a 2.0 m distance from others
Wear face mask indoors when other people are present
You may take off your mask if you are seated at your desk listening to your teacher. If you want to talk, ask a question or get up, you need to put your mask back on